ikigai course


Millions of people proclaim to have found ikigai – a reason to jump out of bed each morning. To find it, you have to ask yourself some critical questions.


The impact of human-centered leadership extends beyond the office walls. It lays the foundations for transformative change, cultivating socially responsible teams.

e-learning course


Here you can access our comprehensive range of courses & assessments. From FREE online courses to full service packages.

case studies


Click here to download our sample profile reports & case studies.


Here we have included a glossary of the vocabulary we use in our business of empowering and developing competent leaders.



Improve self-awareness, communication and collaboration. Assessments are endorsed by the British Psychological Society.


Choose You Coach Wisely

The Coaching profession is not officially regulated by government bodies. In other words, anyone can call themselves a coach, regardless of the training they may have received. However, there are international organisations which monitor the quality of coach training and provide credentials for coaches who have undertaken their training. These organisations require members to uphold a code of ethics. 

The largest leading global organisation for coaching is the International Coaching Federation (ICF). The ICF developed competencies and behavioural markers for the purpose of evaluating coaches. It offers 3 levels of credentialing, each with specific requirements and evidence of coach training hours, coaching experience hours, mentor coaching, an ethics knowledge assessment and submission of recorded coaching sessions for evaluation. Credentials are valid for 3 years and coaches must submit evidence of Continued Coaching Education (CCE) for credentials to be renewed. You can verify your coach’s credential here:


Team & Individual Assessments

endorsed by the British Psychological Society

team management profile

Team Management Profile

The TMS Team Management Profile (TMP) is one of the world’s leading psychometric profiling tools for personal, team and leadership development. Since 1985, the TMP has successfully delivered a framework for creating and sustaining high performing teams for many of the world’s most successful organizations.

Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient

Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient

Is your glass half-empty or half-full? The Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient Profile looks at people’s approach to risk and determines the balance of effort put into seeing the opportunities and obstacles at work. Some people have a higher risk acceptance than others and may see only the opportunities, often ignoring the obstacles. Others may be risk averse and see only the obstacles, ignoring the possibilities of new projects or ventures.

Linking Leader 360

Linking Leader 360

The LLP|360 identifies performance around fundamental people, task and leadership-related skills. Based on 360° feedback, the Profile provides a gap analysis of the extent to which the leader should and does demonstrate the key behaviours. Used to support leadership development, coaching and performance management, the Profile starts a conversation around priorities and allow a realignment of expectations.

profile inclusions


Our Vocabulary

360-degree assessments

Authentic, high-performance leadership

Brain, Body and Mind integration

Building trust and breaking down silos

Bullying, Harassment, Conflict, Discrimination

Below the line behaviours

Behavioural Change


Career transitions

Change Management

Change Management/ Resistance to

Body (somatic stimulation) & mind/cognition

Cognitive Behavioural Coaching

Cognitive Energy

Confidence Coaching

Courageous Leadership

Councillor Onboarding

Culture Shift

Difficult Conversations

Emerging Leader Programs

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Empathy & Curiosity

Employee Assistance Program

Engagement from hire to retire


Employee Value Proposition

Employer Brand

Executive Coaching

Feedback Skills

Feedback Culture

Goal Setting and Goal Alignment

Helping High Performers

Human based leadership

Imposter Syndrome

Improved conversational intelligence

Individual, Team & Leadership Coaching

Interview Coaching

Leader as a Coach

Leadership Development

Leadership EQ Leadership in a neurodiverse world

Leadership Re-Evolution

Leaving a legacy

Mental Fitness Programs & EAP Support

Negative thinking patterns



NLP, Timeline Therapy



Office Politics

Paradigm shift

Performance blockers

Process Improvement & automation

Psychological Safety

Positive Psychology

Reframing Mindsets

Repairing the harm

Safe, evidence-based stress reduction techniques

Self–Awareness and Self-Leadership

Strengths based leadership

Stress Management Techniques

Talent Management

Team Assessments

Team Building

Team Building events

Team Coaching

Team collaboration strategies

Team High Performance Programs

Thriving Teams

Training on various topics

Unresolved Trauma

Work preferences for team effectiveness


Workshop Facilitation

Team Dysfunctions

Our TOP Posts on Linkedin

Unlocking the future:
IT’s role in ending the Talent War

We are all aware of the War for Talent and have been affected by this in some way or another. According to a recent Gartner study, low engagement costs the global economy $8.8 trillion (9% of global GDP), and the majority of the world’s employees are still quietly quitting.

Attract a winning team + keep them engaged = financial sustainability.

We have skin in the game, with extensive experience working in both the Private and Public Sector and with clients from all walks of life.

pcs edited collage image


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Download Sample Reports & Case Studies

Our Founder – Blyde Neser – is an Associate of Team Management Systems (“TMS”).

igniting human potential

Ngala TMS Case Study

Team Management Profile

QO2™ Opportunities-Obstacles Profile

Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)

team management profile

Team Management Profile

All our work is evidence-based. Our psychometric profiles for teams and individuals
have been endorsed by the British Psychological Society and continuously benchmarked against global norm data. These profiles have delivered solid frameworks in the development of leadership skills, personal development and high performing teams for more than 30 years.

Understanding work preferences is a critical component in developing individual,
team, group and organisational performance. Endorsed by the British Psychological Society, Team Management Systems’ Team Management Profile (“TMP”) Questionnaire focuses on enhancing understanding of an individual’s approach to work which provides constructive, work-based information outlining an individual’s work and communication preferences. It takes only 10 minutes to complete and has been used extensively in the development of high-performing teams globally.

The benefits of understanding others’ work preference include – amongst others:

The TMP also enables teams to identify bind spots. For example, if the team’s work preferences are under represented in one area, it may lead to issues such as insufficient focus on governance and risk. Various tools and diagnostics are provided to enable the team to do quick 10-minute check-ins to continuously assess performance on certain aspects (e.g how well a project team is tracking).

The TMP is used in a variety of ways. Some examples include:

Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient

QO2™ Opportunities-Obstacles Profile

The TMS Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO₂) Profile highlights people’s predisposition to seeing opportunities vs obstacles in particular situations, and their probable approach to innovation, change and risk. It enables improved decision making, more effective problem solving and stronger clarity around goals.

The QO 2 Profile provides valuable insights as to why some people:

Understanding these differences enables executives to more successfully:

Linking Leader 360

Linking Leader 360 degree Corporate Program

Customised for based on the individuals involved, and unique organisational challenges, The Linking Leader Corporate Program follows the same principles as the Inner Circle leadership program. It includes the same profiles, PLUS Leadership Coaching with the TMS Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360) – one of the world’s most widely used 360° multi-rater diagnostics. The LLP|360 identifies performance around fundamental people, task, and leadership-related skills.